Tuesday, 12 June 2012

CACUSS 2012 Keynote: Jennifer Corriero

Jennifer Corriero is one of those people who has accomplished so much in her young life that it is simultaneously encouraging and discouraging! She challenged student services leaders to answer these six questions:
Does your University

… provide open, dynamic, inclusive spaces for redefining the possible? Developing The Dreamer.

…offer platforms for students to amplify voices of concern about local and global issues? Encouraging The Megaphone.

.. facilitate connections between nodes and hubs within  your networks of influence? Enabling The Spark Plug.

…provoke students to see their role as trendshapers and communicators? Liberating The Storyteller.

… match students with mentors in an exchange that enables shared growth? Releasing The Sherpa.

…value the importance of taking concrete action with measurable results? Freeing The Task Master/Social Entrepreneur.

Monday, 11 June 2012

CACUSS 2012 Keynote: Michael Wesch

At CACUSS2012. The first keynote speaker was Michael Wesch, whose talk was on
The End of Wonder in the Age of Whatever.

It was a very interesting and insightful look at the challenge of students and student services in an age of always on, always connected culture. He noted that there are three parts to answering life's questions:
  • Quest
  • Embrace our vulnerability
  • Invite connections
Most insightfully, however, he noted that technology provides ways for students to answer these questions like never before; but it also provides ways of not answering these questions like never before. 

While this is not the talk he gave here, if you check out this TEDx talk, you will get a sense of how powerfully he communicates. Then give yourself a treat an search YouTube to see his other talks and videos.